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Beating back the societal rules of what a couple of kids in their midlife should be doing, The Kwerks are a refreshingly snappy duo that bring an upbeat, ray-of-sunshine-in-a-dark-world vibe to their art. With harmonies tighter than your 80s undies, a beat catchier than a ball glove, and a totally authentic attitude, The Kwerks are all about making us humans feel a little bouncier in our step, a little more courageous with our dreams, and a little friendlier with one another.

live life.

This is our one shot, at least as far as we can tell. If this is it, why do we find ourselves sitting around on couches staring at our phones? This is life, friends. Let’s do some crazy shit. Let’s make it memorable.

say yes.

Taking risks is where it’s at. Ask anyone over the age of 85. Even Nike understood - JUST DO IT. And where would the world be if we all shied away from taking the leap? Well for one, The Kwerks wouldn’t exist, and Laura would still be a crunchy homely homeschooling housewife.

be a little crazy.

You have the choice. You can get up, get dressed, brush your teeth and go to work. Or you can do it with a little flourish - do the cha cha as you step into your duds, lip-sync into that toothbrush, offer that lovely old lady who lives next door a ride to the store on your way to work. Or why not take the day off and swim naked in a river? Book a flight to Timbuktu! Buy a slurpee for a stranger! The crazier your choice, the better the story to tell while huddled around that bonfire in the snow one cold future January night with friends and hot drinks and breath rising in clouds.

LAURA KOCH is an award-winning performer and songwriter who has been writing since childhood. Her smoky vocals and musicianship love toying with folksy, old school country, soul, and funk sounds, and she pushes herself continually to expand her abilities and style. When not on stage, she spends her days writing songs with elementary school kids, laughing and living it up while she shares her love for creativity, and witnesses young faces light up with glee. For more on that, you can find her at

RYAN KOCH is an uninhibited free-style dancer and smooth-toned tenor voice who punches at your deep places with his willing vulnerability and permission-giving attitude. His day job - a driven, people-oriented director of development for a major Vancouver charity. He brings his desperate love of tech-pop, his honest love of performing, and his willingness to ‘say yes’ and fully embody his expression to the stage. He is a total gas to witness, but be warned. His vibe is contagious.

THE KWERKS are a force to be witnessed. Their stage presence is hilarious, and honest, and totally likeable. They’ll make you laugh to tears. They’ll cut to the heart. Bring tissues. Some have likened them to the Barenaked Ladies or The Weepies. They aren’t doing this for fame, for accolades, or for admiration. They’re doing it because they love you. And you will love them.

If the Barenaked Ladies were a married couple, they’d be The Kwerks.
— Jeff Bonner, Tractorgrease Multimedia & Cafe



Released: Dec 12, 2018


Released: March 2018


THE KWERKS                                                                            

Released: April 2016


Released: November 2016